Changes to Platinum's
- Printed report P11 has been updated for the new tax year.
- Updated UK PAYE tax rates and bandwidths for 6th April.
- Updated Scottish PAYE tax rates and bandwidths for 6th April.
- If you have an always-on Internet connection then any updates to the PAYE tax rates through the year will be downloaded automatically.
- Updated Class 1 National Insurance Contributions rates.
- The system now automatically changes an employee's National Insurance category letter when they turn 16, when they turn 21, when they turn 25 (if they are using the apprentice under-25 category letter) and when they reach state retirement age (which is determined automatically from their gender and date of birth).
- Updated SSP rates.
- Updated SMP/SAP/SPP/ShPP rates.
- Updated Collection of Student Loans "Plan 1" and "Plan 2" thresholds.
Operating PAYE in real time, aka Real Time Information - or RTI:
- Full Payment Submission (FPS), which happens automatically when you close off a period, has been updated for the year 2017/18.
- Employer Payment Summary (EPS), in
- "Monthly Procedures/Reports" ->
- "Internet Filing of Returns"
, has been updated for the year 2017/18 (to clarify this, the year is included in the option name). - If you have not yet submitted your final EPS for 2016/17 then you can still do this by selecting the "2016/17 Final submission for the year" box, or going to
- "Yearly Procedures/Reports" ->
- "Internet Filing of Returns"
- See Payroll End of Year for more details.
Coming soon
- Automatic Enrolment: Re-enrolment
- We know that at some point this year some of our employers will have to automatically re-enrol certain staff into their workplace pension who previously opted out. Look out for a further Platinum update shortly that will help you take care of this automatically.
- Apprenticeship Levy
- For those employers likely to have a "pay bill" of around 3 million pounds or more, we will shortly be releasing a further Platinum update that will help you work out your Apprenticeship Levy due as part of your Employer Payment Summary (EPS), in
- "Monthly Procedures/Reports" ->
- "Internet Filing of Returns"
- For those employers likely to have a "pay bill" of around 3 million pounds or more, we will shortly be releasing a further Platinum update that will help you work out your Apprenticeship Levy due as part of your Employer Payment Summary (EPS), in
- Payrolled Expenses and Benefits
- For those employers who wish to opt in to the new system of deducting tax for certain expenses and benefits in kind through the payroll, we will shortly be releasing a further Platinum update that will help you put these through your payroll as a special kind of payment rate.
- Look out for the release announcements in Platinum Updates news.