The depots, prices, suppliers and barcodes pop-up screens have now been given the Windows "look-and-feel" and are available as tabs on the main window.
As in many other new areas of Platinum we have also taken advantage of wider screens when available to allow more information to be shown and amended.
- As this part of Platinum has been given the Windows look-and-feel the Home (on-line help) and End (functions) keys now work the way Windows uses them (i.e. Home goes to the beginning of whatever you are accepting and End goes to the end) so you should use the alternative help keys listed below:
- The F11 key should be used for the on-line help.
- The F12 key or the "Functions" menu should be used to access the function keys available.
- Buttons have been given a shortcut key (F?) for use in Macros and anyone not wanting to use the mouse.
- Windows may be repositioned and changed in size - these changes will be remembered from one Platinum session to another.
- The columns in lists can be moved or resized by dragging the heading for the column you wish to configure - these changes will be remembered from one Platinum session to another.
- Any tabs can be moved by dragging the heading for the tab to the new position - this new position will be remembered from one Platinum session to another.
One of the advantages of this update is it will give you the ability to make large scale changes to a single stock code's depots, suppliers, prices and barcodes only prompting you to accept the changes once at the end, saving you time.
The most commonly edited information from these popups are now available on the "details" tab.